Beginner Tips for Snorkelling
Dec 15 2024
So maybe you’ve been on a tour with us before or you’ve just seen our videos on socials and want to get in the water! In this blog we’ll run through some important points to keep in mind and maybe some factors you haven’t thought about to keep yourself safe whilst snorkelling.
Before getting in the water, you’ll want to consider the water temperature so that you can choose an appropriate wetsuit. On the west coast of Scotland, we have a large variation in temperature ranging from 8C in April, up to 15-16C in August so while you’d be alright with a 5mm wetsuit in the summer, we’d recommend at least a 7mm suit for year round use. For our tours most people rent our 8mm semi-dry suits.
Some environmental factors to keep in mind are the weather, currents and the tide. Typically, you won’t want to snorkel when surface conditions are rough or immediately after a storm as this can reduce the visibility due to run off and debris in the water.
Some areas are more tidal than others can have strong currents to be aware of. Apps like Windy can help you to see what the wind, swell, currents and tide are doing so that you can pick out a settled or sheltered time and place to snorkel – but be aware not to plan too far in advance as you can never fully trust the predictions!
When getting in the water, make sure you have a clear entry and exit point, also accounting for any rising or falling tide. Rule number 1 is to always dive with a buddy, or at the very least have someone on the shore. It’s also good practice to let someone know when you’re getting in and out of the water. Wearing a bright rash guard helps to make you visible when in the water and carrying a tow float/dive flag is important if the area has potential boat traffic.
The ideal spot for beginners are sheltered bays, on the incoming tide, and with an onshore wind direction. If you’re unsure about anything or lack the confidence to snorkel without a guide, we run experience snorkel sessions out of Oban and host multi-day snorkel courses. On these courses you’ll do a pool session followed by two days of open water snorkelling which will equip you with new skills and knowledge that can be used around the world!