Basking Shark Map

NatGeo – Low Impact UK Adventures

Jan 30 2025

basking shark sightings scotland

7 low-impact adventure to try across the UK

Thanks to Nat Geo traveller for featuring us in their low-impact adventures article. There is an impact in everything we do in our daily lives including traveling and undertaking activities. However we try to balance that with a number of mitigating measures, it’s in our ethos to look after what love to see. That ranges from our staff being marine biologists, undertaking scientific studies and collecting data. To the way we act and guide around wildlife, conducting biosecurity measures and limiting our pressure on animals and habitats. You can even join a citizen science expedition with us where the objective is to conduct science around basking sharks.

See here for the article

See here for our science trip

See here for our code of practice


low impact adventures to try across the UK

Ready to join us on an adventure?